Apr 2 2016, 10:44 PM
Hey guys! Some of you might know me from the server others don't. I'm a rank 45 player but I only play for fun so don't have amazing skills. I don't play any specific class though I mostly enjoy play knight.
I live in Sweden and I am 22 years old and I've been play Chivalry for little over a year. I also have a parrot that loves yelling witch makes me die insanely much due to jump scares. I figured I would give the admin thing a shot because it seems really fun and you get a cool tag with it. I have some minor admin experiance from Counter Strike Source from a couple of years ago.
I'm not quite sure what to say so feel free to ask anything and I'll try to answer it the best I can.
Scaramouche the sea lion
Apr 2 2016, 10:51 PM
According to me, it would be a useful earning for the clan to have you between admins. I observed you playing a lot of times and I have nothing negative to report.
Btw I love parrots, so you got some score with me mentioning that.
Apr 22 2016, 03:13 PM
Hey guys! I have to cancel my application because some other friends wanted me to join KnH. I do appreciate you taking your time and consideration to letting me join your ranks. I want to specially thank Scara for putting in such a good word for me aswell and if someone still want to add me on Steam that's totally fine. I hope your server stays up and you keep the good work you're currently doing

With kind regard Ned.
Apr 22 2016, 03:42 PM
ahh that's a shame, these applications for SM normally take a while for everyone to reach a consensus.
KnH are alright though
Scaramouche the sea lion
Apr 27 2016, 11:40 AM
I hope u'll continue to play on SM sometimes Neddie

see you around and best wishes for your KnH join
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