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Full Version: Banned from server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey, yesterday I was playing and said "n*gga" in chat. Living in an inner city, this was simply just everyday slang that is commonly used and it didn't come to me that it would be seen as racist in the server. I understand the no racism rule, and I apologize for my mindless mishap. Although the context I used it in wasn't racist, it simply slipped my mind that this would be seen as an infraction of the no racism policy on the server. I'm genuinely sorry to anyone I may have offended, and hope you consider my appeal. It won't happen again.

Best wishes,

Fluppy the enlarged prostate
The Malefic Trout
Hey Fluppy, welcome to the forum.

You kind of posted this in a wrong section of the forum, that's why most likely nobody responded yet. Probably we didn't notice.

Usually it's up to the admin who made that ban to decide whether it should be lifted or not, but in case they don't respond in a matter of few days, the ban can be temporarily lifted. Temporarily meaning that in case the said admin decides, that for some reason, the ban should stay, it will be reinstated. That hasn't happened so far though so I wouldn't worry.

Please make sure to make sure you know the rules by heart:

Take care,
The Malefic Trout
I just lifted the ban.
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