Hi guys, i've been playing on SM since it's established. My head had been crushed by you at least a thousand times. I spend playing 3-4 hours per day and all this time i play on SM. I've never been a top player but i'm pretty good in archery, sometimes even very good. I hope you'll give me a chance. P.S. My name on the forum is the same i use for a game.
Ernst Letiz Wetzlar
Mar 4 2016, 09:01 AM
I've just noticed that i haven't written anything about myself as others did So if anyone interested, i'm a theatrical engineer from Russia and im crazy about vintage cameras and analog photography.
The Malefic Trout
Mar 7 2016, 10:46 AM
Hey Ernst, welcome to the forums. Sorry for the late reply.
Time played (on our server) checks out.
It's hard for me to say when we'll proceed with the recruitment process. You must know that the decision is based on majority vote of all the clan members, so it might be a good idea to use this time (before we actually vote) to make sure most clan members know you.
Thanks for applying, Trout
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