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Full Version: Recruit me im a lovely person
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi, my name is PauSlayer and I would like to enter SM. Im not going to make a long post, only a few things.

I always play on SM server (64p) on mornings and night, really enjoy playing there and the SM guys. I just played 125h but because i can only play 1-1.30h per day, and I only play for fun, and I supose i will have more fun if I join this clan.

Thx for the attention and hope you will accept me.

PD: Tell NeoJorge to do slowmode more often pls.

Mmmmmmmmm, Salut.

I don't know about the recruitment thing, if it's open, closed, reopen, reclosed, rereopen rereclosed.. sorry tongue.gif but welcome on the foooruummm c:

If the recruitment is open, then it's going to be a dirty vote, because it's up to the democracyy around here.

Buuuuuuuut if the recruitment is closed, then you will have to wait, and wait, and maybe not because you will get bored before the rerereopening.

But, my advice would be to wait until someone more professional informed than me reply tongue.gif so keep checking thiiis forum, it should not be sooooo long.

Jā neee

Don't worry, i have move patience than skill tongue.gif
I'll make a post in the members area. This process usually takes time though as we've never been in a rush to recruit people smile.gif
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