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Full Version: lets do this ! Put me in coach !
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey ! guys !! _Carl_ here you might of seen my name on the server a lot or a couple of times , i love the server btw its basically the only one i play on .

Im looking to join your clan and Become =SM= IRISH

I play Chiv almost everyday I got 181 hours on the game currently , I practice In duel yards before I enter the sausage fest that is the SneakyMoneys server , My skills in dragging and fainting
are not yet complete but i can kill most guys i come across (nearly).

If you accept me I will take in everything you teach me about the game ! and try my hardest to learn everything i can !

So about me Im 23 and Im an Irishman ,currently working for an engineering company So i work 12 hours a day sometimes .

you guys wanna know more lemme know !!! add me on steam if you wish _Carl_

regards !!
Feinting and skill do not go together
Ill remember this !

see you on the server !
Yet Another Fool
Thanks for applying, Carl smile.gif

I don't get it, candidates often talk about skills. We are not really (should say really not) a competitive clan, it's not like skill was a requirement smile.gif
Alex Eiffel
Can confirm that skill is not a requirement.
ty for the replys !
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