I started playing Chivalry again a few weeks ago and am looking for a group to play with and chat. A bit rusty but less than expected. Started playing this game since it came out for about a year and a half. My nick back then was Sunn 0 , if it rings any bells. Almost rank 44 now. I have the time and intend to play Chiv for the forseeable future. Did read the instructions (omg right?).
1) Playstile
- Classes: best as Vanguard, can do knight, bleh MAA, shit archer.
- Traits: Spent most of the time on FAA, so obviously good crowd control and awareness. Bleh with duelling. Others: Highly aggressive, teamplayer. Dont care much about odds, just dive in, sooo.. either i die alot or get kicked for 'cheating'.
2) About me
- 25 yrs old, ex athlete - now disabled (FYI only, no drama pls), played Planetside2 for the past two years with a big (now mostly dead) outfit, fluent in english, short, have a big sword, like to smoke weed when i have some money left (i DO need it, ok?), also need company - since i dont leave house much, have high empathy, like to help ppl with different health (mostly CNS infections and mental) issues since i have some knowledge and shit-tons of personal experience, i like to joke around if i dont feel too shitty, emmm.. sometimes i take a bit too many pain pills -> very chatty n stoopid, ......wanna meet new ppl most of all.
- Due to my health condition i may not be the most consistent performer.. so if u take me in, regard me more as a reserve in competittions.
- PC: old, some new parts, but good enough to play this game on almost max settings, alrdy have TS3, 7.1 surround sound headset with digital mic.
- MetalHead
- Straight !.. srsly, since i got sick and went titts up, tried online gaming, every1 wants to fuk me anus. Look, i know i have a lovely voice n all that crap but pls, im gettin real cranky bout this kinda gaytrosity T_T
AND, Regarding invitation requirements; a) i have around 600hrs of chiv,

call me <3