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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi guize,

On the night of the 16th of January I got banned for using the word "nigaud", a french word with a meaning somewhat similar to "retard" in english, as you can see on this page :

Admittedly I said that in joking reference to the infamous N-word, thinking that the many french-speaking players and admins would get it. On the other hand, I would never, ever, use the N-word seriously, nor would I use other racial slurs. As a person (and gamer) I often fight against the using of "gay", "faggot" and other sexual orientation- or gender-based words as derogatory terms, something I know you won't ban people for (or at least, I never witnessed it). Now, calling people "retards" is also absolutely problematic, but that's even further down the road of things you don't ban for.

I am overly conscious of these issues, and I understand that people are hurt by these kinds of words. The thing is, I never said them.

Please cancel my ban, so I can bash your lovely in-game heads in again.
Since Draconix made the ban we will have to wait till he shows up and makes the decision to unban you or not. If it's not done in roughly 3 days you will be temporarily unbanned. smile.gif
You must understand we take racist language seriously in any context, even repeating racism said by others can get you banned, Its tough but it keeps people in line, you have explained and apologized so I will remove the ban when I'm next in game, pls post your in game name from when you were banned.
Again, I understand that, very much.

Thank you both for your answers.

My in-game name is JEAN_MICHEL_CRAPAUD.
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