Hi guize,
On the night of the 16th of January I got banned for using the word "nigaud", a french word with a meaning somewhat similar to "retard" in english, as you can see on this page : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nigaud
Admittedly I said that in joking reference to the infamous N-word, thinking that the many french-speaking players and admins would get it. On the other hand, I would never, ever, use the N-word seriously, nor would I use other racial slurs. As a person (and gamer) I often fight against the using of "gay", "faggot" and other sexual orientation- or gender-based words as derogatory terms, something I know you won't ban people for (or at least, I never witnessed it). Now, calling people "retards" is also absolutely problematic, but that's even further down the road of things you don't ban for.
I am overly conscious of these issues, and I understand that people are hurt by these kinds of words. The thing is, I never said them.
Please cancel my ban, so I can bash your lovely in-game heads in again.