Dec 15 2015, 08:59 AM
I've been banned quite some time ago (maybe a year or longer) and i recall it was because i was attacking a teammate. My sincerest appologies for this.
Tho i don't remember if he deserved it or not (and maybe that's why i didn't appeal the ban then) i'd like to have my ban appealed now.
I have learned my lesson and i won't do anything foolish anymore, so please unban me. My steam account is also ShneepShneep.
Thanks and have a nice day.
Yet Another Fool
Dec 15 2015, 04:56 PM
Duration = perma
Time = 2013/9/21 12:17
Name= ShneepShneep
Reason = racism/harresment
Since it's a very old ban, there are great chances nobody in SM will remember that. Up tto the almighty Monkey to decide if the ban can be lifted, I guess.
Dec 16 2015, 03:16 PM
eesh a ban from 2013
Dec 16 2015, 03:20 PM
Now that i've seen the reason of the ban i kind of maybe recall (but i'm not sure) that i got banned for saying something inappropriate.
I tended to do that more than i do it now, but i won't excuse myself for saying something that was probably taken out of context.
I'm definitly not a racist and i don't harass people that aren't assholes first.
How i recall me getting the ban now is something like this: a player tk's me a lot, i say inappropriate stuff to him/her and tk back, i get banned.
I won't say this for sure tho, as i will just accept that i deserved the ban and ask for forgiveness. I understand that this reaction of tk'ing back and saying inappropriate stuff isn't the best of reactions, and i do appologise if this happened. If i did really deserve the ban than i appologise for this and i hope you will forgive me for it.
If my ban gets lifted, i promise to not be a nuisance.
So i promise to not give you any reason to ban me again, as i remember enjoying to play on your servers.
Thanks for your time and i hope i'll see you all again in the server.
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