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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey Sneaky Monkeys,

Hope ya all good, thought i send in an application reason been i spend a good chunk of my chiv time on your servers and would like to join ur little community, Sm servers got my vote for the zero tolerance to racist a holes and watchful admins that maintain some level of sanity in this crazy game.

Alittle about myself im 28 based in the uk Brentwood essex (yea that place with the crappy tv show) and im a builder, which means im a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to computers so will not be able to contribute much in that way however i can game which is questionable at times and chivalry has had my attention for quite awhile now. Im also generally a chilled laid back polite individual.
Just hit Lvl 50 and my class of choice is the knight using either the Longsword or the sword of war, aswell as sporting the Maul for those close encounters.

CHeers Carlos Blanka
QUOTE (Blanka @ Dec 3 2015, 07:19 PM) *
using either the Longsword or the sword of war, aswell as sporting the Maul for those close encounters.

Could you teach me on how to use the swords in a long encounter? wink.gif
weeellll suppose i can show you how i use my longsword cool.gif
Having seen the lenght of it, I'd say it leans more on the shortsword side of classification.
hahaha damn penguin cuts straight to the stone cold truth of it
Penguin, I believe you misspelled the butterknife
Yet Another Fool
QUOTE (Blank @ Dec 3 2015, 07:19 PM) *

Who gets the pun ? biggrin.gif That was good rightt ? biggrin.gif Not funny, what do you mean ?
Marsche, I'm trying to be courteous while referring to his toothpick.
Scaramouche the sea lion
Blanka biggrin.gif hope the council will let u join SM smile.gif)

see u on the field sexy blonde guy tongue.gif

Cheeky Monkeys hehe see you in game
Hey guys i am going to remove my application as i have decided to do some working travelling in Australia/ Asia for a year, next month.
Cheers for your time, Will see you ingame

Day 116 : competition gets thinner, as the weak gets culled from the herd. The brandi wasn't strong in this one.

If you go to Japan I'm going to be really really jealous Blanka.
nah not visiting Japan unfortunately def want to check it ou though, booked in for Thailand - Hong Kong if i make it out of thailand alive, Austrailia then new Zealand.
and put down that bloody brandi
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