Oct 18 2015, 06:17 PM
Okay, I joined today on your 64p server and started to play, I know that I accidently made two tk's but I tried to redirect away immediately after realizing that I would hit teammate but they kept moving into same direction. First time I apologized but for the second time I had no time for that because I was in combat and received at least kick for that without warning or chance to explain ( I'm banned while writing this). I suspect that it was made by admin since there was no votekick called. I would at least like to have warning first for explanation since I was online so short time. I'm playing with The Basshole name.
Oct 18 2015, 06:31 PM
Wanting a warning does not mean you get one. Asking nicely for it here probably works too.
I'm guessing an admin mistook your mistakes for intent and kicked you because of it. In that vein, kicking/banning you again once you returned makes sense.
It's up to the admin who made the ban whether it will be lifted. Again, asking gets you very, very far. If you have any questions for him/her, feel free to ask. And just in case it was a newer admin: we're not going to put you, the admin, in the stocks and ridicule you. There's a chance I would've made the same call and I hate the stocks
Oct 18 2015, 06:48 PM
=SM= members who I was beware of being prestent were aneki and bastion
Oct 18 2015, 06:57 PM
But anyway, I'm asking the ban to be lifted, it's still on after one hour because those two tk's were definately not intentionals and I'm sorry about them, next time I just like to a chance to explain and there was no readon told for the first kick and I received ban for I tried to join again a ask for the reason. Id is
Oct 19 2015, 09:34 PM
Btw, if I see something that looks like an intentional tk and I dont recognize the player, I sometimes just kick right away. If I see a regular that I know, do something like that Im much more willing to give them the benefit of a doubt, if I know from experience that they are always fair and friendly normally. I doubt many know that you play as the basshole, I certainly didnt!
Yet Another Fool
Oct 19 2015, 10:40 PM
Tic, tac, tic, tac...
Oct 21 2015, 06:04 PM
Alright, it has been over 3 days ban and still on, doesn't seem legit to me
Oct 21 2015, 07:09 PM
Doesn't matter whether it "seems legit" to you. It's not going to magically change things. Have some patience until the admin who made the ban shows up.
In the meantime, for all the admins, go and help pester the new guys into showing their faces on the forum. I don't see a whole lot of them and it could've been one of them.
Oct 21 2015, 08:57 PM
Ok since we have a new rule, given that it's been 3 days and no admin reply, I will go ahead and lift the ban. If the admin who made it shows up and decides against it, he/she will be free to reapply it.
Edit: Sorry, but I couldnt remove it. Seems whoever banned you, did it the quick way through the player list. I think only monkey can remove it. Maybe it was a mistake and you were supposed to be kicked instead. Seems like a pretty harsh permaban.
Yet Another Fool
Oct 21 2015, 09:51 PM
QUOTE (GuyIncognito @ Oct 21 2015, 10:57 PM)

Ok since we have a new rule, given that it's been 3 days and no admin reply, I will go ahead and lift the ban.
A sensible person ? Wasn't expecting that here
The Malefic Trout
Oct 22 2015, 02:28 PM
I checked the log, it's among other netid bans, I could remove it if the server was empty. But it's not going to happen soon I'm afraid.
Edit: the server is empty pretty much only in the early morning, not home to do it
Oct 22 2015, 02:40 PM
Could you explain that what kind of ban it is
Oct 22 2015, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (surprise_FIN @ Oct 22 2015, 03:40 PM)

Could you explain that what kind of ban it is
It is classified as bugged ban .
That means your ban hasn't made by console ban.Most likely whoever admin banned you , he used esc interface ban which makes all bans are buggy.
Buggy means we can't lift ban off easily , it req some edit on server files and restart the server.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Oct 22 2015, 08:08 PM's now lifted, thanks for anyone who made that
The Malefic Trout
Oct 22 2015, 08:12 PM
I have lifted the ban!
Yes this post is not necessary but hey did something new so might as well brag and boast.
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