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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey guys.
I'm guessing most of you know me, but just in case, I'm Zeripper, rank 47, brandistock enthusiast, and i play mostly on your server, despite the large number of archers (you know how I loathe them right? angry.gif )

I'm a 37 yo french guy, self employed so my gaming time can be anywhere. I've had a couple of months pause of chivalry after discovering popcorn time (look it up), now I'm back, so I'm going through the application I've long considered before my pause.

I don't know what else to say, so I guess it's time for the audience's questions *drops mic*
Ah yes a brandi user indeed ^^ Unfortunately recruitment is currently closed, we will update you as soon as it is opened again.

Your favourite Dragon

But you're not even my favourite dragon
It's ok to admit it don't be shy wink.gif
QUOTE (Zeripper @ Sep 14 2015, 06:14 PM) *
brandistock enthusiast

OMG that made me laugh so hard Marsche xD
You're just jealous
Alex Eiffel
Marsche, that is possibly my favourite Chris Morris moment in anything ever, and that is saying something.

Also Zeripper, as a fellow brandistock martyr enthusiast, I welcome your long and thrice-pointed application whenever recruitment reopens.
Ello, I'm one of those ANNOYING archers wink.gif
how do you do biggrin.gif
The Malefic Trout
This thread is hilarious biggrin.gif

So, any update on when recruitment is opening again? Because these "recruitment open" pinned post and server message are teasing me everytime tongue.gif
Whether Bucket actually left or not, is unknown to me, so we'll have to wait until he shows up to update. If he did indeed leave then I guess there's a place open. But don't take my word for it.
I didn't leave otherwise I would've made a post about it, I simply do not enjoy chivalry in its current state anymore. CS GO has my love now atm. biggrin.gif
Wont be for much longer once Fallout 4 comes out lol
Yet Another Fool
QUOTE (Bucket @ Nov 8 2015, 11:51 AM) *
I didn't leave

the bucket is a lie alive !
Day 104 : They must think I've given up. Clearly they do not see the willpower bestowed upon me by the mighty brandi.
I still hope they had a good holiday tho, as mean as they all may be. Except archers, I hope they got coal.
thats archerrasist! naaah but really nice to see you apply and hope you had good Christmas as well.
And you think brandi gives you patients try to be an archer wink.gif
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