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Full Version: Do u love sea lions?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Scaramouche the sea lion
Dear Ladies & Lords,

maybe I met someone on u on the field. I saw the recruitment advertisement and I'm interested in being a little member of this clan.
something about this rare sea animal:

The legend about my identity is, of course, a fairy tale: I'm not a real sea lion, but don't tell anybody, it is a secret XD. Being serious, in real life I am an Italian student at Rome's 2nd University and I have played Chiv for 2 years right now.
I'm quite acceptable at TO and deathmatches.
Sometimes I can be a little noisy on the game chat and some italian bad words can run out of my mouth, but I've never said anything racist on purpose and never I will.

I hope u will find me acceptable.

Greetings from the deep ocean


Glad you managed to get things working. Hope to see you on the servers more often smile.gif

As for the recruitment, MonkeyFiend usually opens the votes for these and he can be very busy with making tea so prepare to wait for a few weeks before getting a final answer. Should you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Yet Another Fool
Sea lion

Scaramouche the sea lion
Hello Midget, Hello Fool smile.gif

finally I got the way to make a post here. It's quite hard to press buttons on a keyboard using 2 fins u know?
Anyway I have nothing to do during this period, so I'm ready to wait.

@Fool THIS is a true sea lion, beware of imitations
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? <-- clickable
Yet Another Fool
I think you are Belzbuth's son, Buckit.
Scaramouche the sea lion
Every single player I met on chiv asked me the same thing, and the answer is still NO, cause I don't wanna make my mama crying.
Thats a shame because everyone on SM as part of the recruitment process has to do the Fandango
Oh hush bucket, you know we're allowed to do the flamenco as well.
QUOTE (TurboMidget @ Aug 26 2015, 12:08 PM) *
Oh hush bucket, you know we're allowed to do the flamenco as well.

I did this and I got accepted so yeah

AAAAAAAAAAAAAND I seduced LadyLootie with this
Scaramouche the sea lion
To tell u the truth, the biggest problem is that I can't dance both Fandango & Flamenco cause I have a big fat fin instead of feet as u can simply understand watching every National Geographic's footage about sea lions.

I'm so sorry about that, but mother nature doesn't love me.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sea lions are not sea elephant!

You are fit for battle!
Scaramouche the sea lion
But we are as lazy as they are. I need to rest and sleep before battle biggrin.gif
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