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Full Version: Need some meth?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
The Last Methbender
Hi guys,

some of you might know me under the names "Austrian Death Machine" or "Meth Machine". I saw that you are currently recruiting while playing earlier, so I'd like to apply tongue.gif

About me: I'm 23 years old, half british and half french (though I don't write French, because my grammar sucks). I can communicate in German though, because I've been living in Germany for a long time.
Other than Chivalry I mostly play Total War games.
If you want to know more, just ask me biggrin.gif

My motivation for joining is that I've been playing on this server for almost 2 years now (I think) and want to be more than a regular tongue.gif
Plus I really like the entire SM-community smile.gif
First Crackwhore now Meth Machine? Imma start calling my self Amphetamine Machine then
Yet Another Fool
Did someone say DRUGS ?
Who even uses drugs amirite? Drugs is bad mkay! tongue.gif
A Methmachine?


I'm not sure this is ok, crack and meth don't go well together in my experience, but hey, you can convince me of the opposite. tongue.gif
The Last Methbender
You can always become a meth addict tongue.gif
Meth is good for your skin. It makes you look younger!
QUOTE (Yet Another Fool @ Aug 17 2015, 11:51 PM) *
Did someone say DRUGS ?

Drugs are bad mm'kay.
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