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Full Version: Help with limited archer 64 slot server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
EDIT: Server is now showing up now.
I'll assume the server wasn't appearing for some reason tongue.gif

Obviously the usual restarts of game/steam to begin with.
Sometimes favourites don't poll correctly as there's a timeout on connection... so it's possible to add say 30 servers to favourites, then over time these server shutdown and no longer ping. If the first 20 servers are dead, the game pings and waits for aresponse (which it doesn't receive). It has a culmulative timeout too, so if it's spent too long waiting for dead servers, it calls it quits before it gets to an active server at the end of the list.

For persistent problems polling the servers, you can alwys check if it's something config related by renaming the config folder in /my docs/my games/chiv/udkgame (the game will recreate a clean set on startup)

Failing that, if something isn't appearing in the server browser, you can always right click on steam > servers > filter by chivalry and look for the server in that list ~ this lets you know whether it's a fault with the chivalry browser or with the steam server master list (or the game server itself!). Also doing it via steam also allows you to auto-retry joining if the server is full smile.gif
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