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Sir Gorgeous
So i decided to make my application thingy in case all else fails. I figured it'd be worth a shot

So, i play alot of Chivalry, getting close to the 800 h mark now and its primarily the game i play. I'm usually on daily
but playtime depends on my mood. I'm a real chatwhore sometimes aswell and i like talking about the most random
things with the most random people over the internet.

I'd say i'm mostly nice in chat, except when real life hardtimes translate to my temper (which happens a bit) but i have
a strong sense of responsibility and when i have a meaningful position in games i make sure not to let my mood
translate into the games i play.

I take rules seriously, especially if i am in a position to enforce those rules. I am probably a little too careful with what
actions i take against people who break rules, because i dont want to do anything wrong.

That's what seems important to tell. Now i'm far from flawless but i think its important
to be honest when i make applications and not cover my bad sides. so decide for yourselves.

Oh, and i am Gorgeous.
Thank you.
QUOTE (Sir Gorgeous @ Aug 13 2015, 10:18 PM) *
Oh, and i am Gorgeous.

Pic or you're lying
Sir Gorgeous
Oh you didnt


Yet Another Fool
I fear clicking on the links.
Sir Gorgeous
Unless you fear beauty, i see no reason why to be.

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