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Full Version: Aneki Reporting for duty!
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
I know recruitment is closed, but says to post your interest anyway.

Most of you are aware I'm never off the SM servers and know pretty much all the regs wink.gif

I also have past administration experience playing for UKCS servers. In particular the Day of Defeat Source servers, which included everything you'd expect and even getting creative and creating in-game posters for UKCS events, etc.

And if you've not already figured it out, I'm neither Russian or Greek. I'm British :|

I'm also 32 years young, so can make mature, justified decisions regarding the unruly!

So, yeah. That's me biggrin.gif

Thank-you kindly.

You seem ok but do you like Dragons? Also welcome ^^
You play MAA, we can't have those around here! tongue.gif
I seem to recall a very annoying MAA running around from time to time... might have been you... It's so hard to differenciate MAAs once I've decapitated them !
Be careful there Cam, or this part-time maa is gonna put another bolt in your face hiwaving.gif
That guy means only foul deeds and is pretty scary... struggle.png kill on sight!
I love that your name is Steve.
Can we hire him just on that basis alone? tongue.gif
Hire him? He isnt a male prostitute, Lootie. sigh. tongue.gif
But I am big boy ;D
But I am, big boy ;D
Quick edit my ass, now I look even more dumb xD
I love Dragons! Not literally, like tongue.gif Well maybe. Just a little bit..

FEAR ME AND MY AXE Darwin! And my pebbles.

I love Dragons! Not literally, like tongue.gif Well maybe. Just a little bit..

FEAR ME AND MY AXE Darwin! And my pebbles.

I love Dragons! Not literally, like tongue.gif Well maybe. Just a little bit..

FEAR ME AND MY AXE Darwin! And my pebbles.
You're not the onlyone lol. Treble post! Just got a blank screen after hittin reply :\
Shite mate, I've seen a lot of double posts, but never a triple one... I vote helll yes, you're special ohmy.gif
So many beautiful multiposts on this thread xDD
that was caused by a bug (which should be fixed now)

Welcome to the site AN∃Kii! (yes I did copy and paste that)

The Malefic Trout
It's good to see you here, Aneki! smile.gif
Yet Another Fool
Oh noes.

Welcome to the website smile.gif
I've been lurking for the best part tbh. biggrin.gif
Where's the dubs though?

Sweet! Welcome, we definately need some more troll-at-arms biggrin.gif
Recruitment is now open again smile.gif Let us know if you're still interested in joining and we can start the recruitment voting process
I'm still for it all! biggrin.gif
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