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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Game : Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Server : LIMITED ARCHER High-Tick TO
Nickname : HABBI
Date : 01 July 2015
Ban Reason : Punching an AFK player

Hello, i really love this game because your 50 players server, and im sorry for that behavior, i was punching an afk with other players when i have banned, sorry for my english, i really want to play in your server and i promise you I'll never do that, i dont know who banned me, i have played in your server more than 100 hours and I've never had problems, i really apologize for my behavior
Do people even read the sticky note?

(Re)read it, then edit your post.
I highly doubt an admin will ban you solely because you punched someone, I feel that there is more than just this. You'll have to wait for the admin whom banned you.
Nope, that was me again. At the same time I spawned and saw Habbi and Coca from the other thread puching AFK players. As mentioned in the other thread I think it was marco antonio who was AFK, after saying he was AFK for a few minutes because his mouse wasn't working.

Since they were merrily punching people in the spawn, I banned both.

I'll unban them later this evening. Please don't punch, kick or TK people. If you want rid of AFKers then you can always votekick them.

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