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Full Version: IP Banned,no reason.
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Apparently i have been ip banned from the sneaky monkey duelyard server.
I dont know if its a bug or something, i have never been disconnected from the server due to ban,means i was ip banned when i wasn't on the server, which means i didn't brake any rule to deserve it.
Please,review my ban,
Monkey could you take a look at this, because I cant find his ban on the duel server I think its one of those net thingy bans D:
chivalry guid: 208101980

It was in there as a netid ban:


I've removed the ban
I should mention though that the servers anti-cheat stuff does log bans in this format. So if the server re-bans, we'd have to take a closer look
Usually thought it's just an admin ban that bugged out.
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