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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello I was banned for insult.
I said that Bucket was an asshole and he banned me. I was pissed because Rick got kicked and Rick is my friend. Now I want to apologize. It will not happen anymore and I'm very sorry.
So please can you unban me? I will be polite and I will respect the rules.

Thank you
My name during the ban was : KS Burrito eater
As we discussed this on Teamspeak after you calmed down with the flaming and the treats, I'll unban you. I believe we got off on the wrong foot, so now we can start over, however should you go back to your old ways then I have no problem reissuing the perm ban.
QUOTE (Ouille @ Jun 11 2015, 06:21 PM) *
I will be polite and I will respect the rules.

Nice job Bucket, it was very refreshing smile.gif
Make sure to let Monkey know about this.
QUOTE (Bucket @ Jun 25 2015, 08:43 AM) *

I've submitted this account to the global banlist
Thanks. With global banlist you mean from the SM server or from the SM and Official servers?
Global ban list is either every chiv server or every official server. Not sure which one of the two though.
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