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Full Version: ye who enter here have mercy on me soul aka ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
sup guys, few days ago I got banned on one of your servers for saying "thristy nigga"
after being b& I went and read your server rules and I see why now
so, sorry, my bad
also admin told me that I would prolly get banned on your second server too, and boy would that suck, I almost always play on your servers
anyway, it would be cool to get unbanned, won't be using any more of those bad words, I promise :3
What part of this message when you enter the server, didn't you understand?

I was who banned you in one of the servers.

As Bucket says, the main server rules are pretty simple: No Intentional TKing & No Racist Language. When you join the server you can see the message with these rules, and you should've read the rules before to say what you said.
So is this a ban that's being held or are you unbanning and giving him another chance, xacobo?
Well, he says to have read the rules, and if he is really sorry, I guess I can unban him.

So, be nice lowbot, and don't break the rules again.
nice! thank's guys, won't happen again
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