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Full Version: Luke reporting in
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi guys, you've probably seen me around on your servers. I've played on them for longer than you guys would think because my name always used to be the generic "player****" name. And since I'm now even more familiar with a lot of you (if I dare say so myself) I'd like to join the next recruitments smile.gif Love your servers!

All Hail Farmer!
Hello, welcome to the forums.

The recruitment is currently closed and I have no idea when it's going to be open again. So what if you'll just stick around and give us another call when it's open, okay? smile.gif
Ok ^^ thanks for the fast reply, you may know me as one of the genereic players too penguin, for i know you tongue.gif

Anyways, thanks wink.gif
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
It might be an idea to let the other admins get to know you as "Luke" since we probably can't remember which random Playerxxxx you were. Take some time getting to know the community and play on our servers as much as possible, because I think the timer that counts your hours probably reset since you have a new name, not sure though, but get 20+ hours anyway.
-cough cough- He has now been dubbed LadyLuke and joined my Legion of Ladies, I do believe. ^^
Psh, bunch of people with identity crises is all I see sneaking.gif
Yet Another Fool
QUOTE (TurboMidget @ Jun 3 2015, 07:05 PM) *
Psh, bunch of people with identity crises is all I see sneaking.gif

Liche, get out of LadyLuke's body !
Recruitment is now open again smile.gif Let us know if you're still interested in joining and we can start the recruitment voting process
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