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Full Version: ban ! :D
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi my in game name is Kamitsuke and i have been banned from the server for "racism" let me explain: a player said:" why can't i use archers ???!?!?!" i said :" cuz u are too nigga man" i know it was a bad joke, but didn't want to be offensive !! what can i do (apart don't say useless jokes) ?
Thanks you for the attention
Its almost as if there are server rules for a good reason.(clickable) If you can't follow these simple rules then I am afraid your request to join us will end up being a no.(clickable) Jokes however are fine to be made so long they are within the server rules and not overdone.
i'll be more respectfull of your rules ! i don't deserve a second chance ?
I didn't say you don't deserve a second chance, I simply put out that people who been banned for racist language will have difficult times joining and also the recruitment is closed at the moment. What was the name of the admin that has banned you Best of luck of getting unbanned.
i'm sorry i didn't read it, in that moment ! so what can i do ? help me please T__T
Yet Another Fool
Wait for the admin who made the ban to reply smile.gif
ok thanks you for your help biggrin.gifD
If the admin that made the ban doesn't reply in a few days, we'll collectively make a decision
aw ok i'll wait for it so walking.gif
Are you the same BlackBerserker that kicked me off a log into freezing waters a few times?
He said his gamename is Kamitsuke, so probably not.
in fact i'm not tongue.gif
So are there same news ?
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