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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi, I was kicked from the Limited Archer server for killing a guy who was tk'ed someone then tried to teamkill me. I tried to rejoin the server and it said my IP was banned from the current session. I tried to rejoin when the map changed, but it still says the same thing. I also did say "F*** you, you tried to kill me" when he started a votekick against me. Did I get banned for teamkilling or cursing at him, even if that guy was trying to kill me? If so I'm sorry about that. My name was Gray when I got kicked.
Teamkilling is not allowed, no matter the circumstances. The reason for that is, if we see someone fight and tk someone else, we dont know who started it. We dont know who to punish. So we have a zero tolerance, it makes it easier if its the same for everyone. I have only banned you for one hour, and the guy you killed was given the same punishment.

As a sidenote, I know you didnt start it, and I know he was baiting you for the votekick, which was why I cancelled the vote. I will keep my eye on him in the future and he will get a permaban if he does it again.
Although this wasn't me, it's likely if an admin saw two people on the same team trading blows they probably would have just banned both. There no bans for swearing, only to intentional TKs or racist language.

This is the reason the message of the day that every Player should receive when the join the server says no intentional tking (including revenge TKs) as 9/10 each player will blame the other one for starting it, so the stance we take is just to issue bans to whichever players are involved with the TKing.

That being said I'll decision to keep or lift the ban is with the decision of the admin that made the ban, so I'll hand you over to them.

Also so we can identify you, I assume you forum account name here is the same as the ingame name at the time of the ban?
Ah, I get it. That is true, you really can't tell who started it. Thanks for clearing it up.
Ah guy ninja'd in a post before me. Please ignore mine tongue.gif
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