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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi guys,
yesterday I was banned on the 50p limited archer server for "racist language".
Yes, I used the evil word with n, but I did that only to quote a player who was banned some minutes ago. He said sth like "I hate n******".
Due to the fact that another guy said "I hate gays" two times without being banned, I asked the question, why "I hate n******" is so much worse than "I hate gays". And that's what I was banned for.
I wanted to understand why person A was banned but person B not. I don't know whether I was banned for using the n-word or rather for a question they did not like... I don't even want to know, but fact is that I did not use racist language for the sake of using racist language but for the sake of quoting someone (although I did not use quotation marks, but we're not talking about a scientific work). The chat log from about 4:30 pm (yesterday) should underline what I said.
I banned you.

Did you read the rules? If you did, I would've thought it's not hard to understand them. You didn't seem to understand them.

In this case, I have to suggest you go read the rules again here's the Link. Give it a thought and post again.

QUOTE (HackedPenguin @ Apr 29 2015, 07:36 PM) *
I banned you.

Did you read the rules? If you did, I would've thought it's not hard to understand them. You didn't seem to understand them.

In this case, I have to suggest you go read the rules again here's the Link. Give it a thought and post again.


So it's enough to use the word, no matter what the context is and besides you don't want debates about "interesting views on sexual orientation/abortion/religion or other contentious topics".

Fine, enjoy your house party.

And just for clarification, I did not mean to thank you for that, I just pressed the wrong button.
Yup, context doesn't matter, otherwise an insane amount of players will start debating theirs was only insulting out of context or that they can say it because they're black. None of us look forward to a massive yes/no argument several times a week, so context was taken out of the equation smile.gif
If the ban is staying in place, can I close this thread?
QUOTE (ser_ironfist)
It's n-not like I meant to th-thank you for that, I... I just pressed the wrong button, b-baka~!

you could have at least said that you're sorry, unless you don't want to get unbanned for some reason
Yes Monkey, no sing of regret or even an apology. Ban stays, close the thread.
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