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Full Version: Bob - Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
It was about a week ago, I was in the " Limited Archer TO EU UK" and just screwing around on the chat with some people, and I used the term "norfag-swefag-denfag" to describe the different nationalities on the server, it was all in good fun. Then a admin I do not recognize, nor remember his/hers name, came in and said "bans incoming" and proceded to ban a few people without giving any warning or second to talk about it. But I do realize the use of the word "fag" could be interpretation in a bad manner and should not under any circumstances be used.

I'm not racist or homophobic in any manner and I do not wish to insult people based on stuff they have no control over.
Best regards
- Bob.
I banned you and one other guy for racist language. You deserved it both of you because by the time you entered the server you should see the huge server announcement with the two basic rules!

I will remind you: No Racist Language for ANY reason!

It doesn't matter if you were joking around,the rule is simple and clear!

I will lift the ban but remember that even if you didn't know or didn't see the rules, now you know!

*I recommend you read the rules of the servers in the forum
Yeah, I've studied them much close now. It won't happen agin.
QUOTE (ImBob @ Apr 25 2015, 01:11 AM) *
Yeah, I've studied them much close now.

Monkey forces us to do this on pain of monty pythonesque punishments. Meow's still singing 'Always look on the bright side of life'.
I don't know how to lift these netid bans. I gave it a try from the configs but I don't know the way to find whose is the id. MonkeyFiend, I am sorry but you have to do the unban yourself as it seems. rolleyes.gif
The buggy netid bans are because you banned him through the playerlist.

Next time I'd recommend doing it through the console smile.gif
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