My english is not very accurate so, excuse me if I speak english like a spanish cow.
My memories is not very accurate but i think it happenned the 17 april approximately at 15/16pm
I was banned on a basis of "spoil" just because I asked what people think about the last épisode of Game of thrones
I was "warned" by a: spoil = ban. I instantly said: [Removed]
I was wandering in my head, what the fuck with this childish attitude.
Have you never seen a movie twice or more? Have you never read a resume or the synopsis of movie, série. Or someone didnt tell you something about a movie like this: "this happen and this, and when that happen they kill them all, and he do that and that, so all things blow up" make you want to see more the all movie for yourself? Have you already read a book/comic, and seen it in movie?
What it change for you to know what happen? Do it change the story? Do you feel the story differently? -> Nothing, No and No.
I have read countless time Harry Potter: 3,4, 6 and 7; LOTR 3 and seen in movie too; I don't know how many time i have seen Fight Club, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, etc... and I'm sure I gonna watch them again, and still enjoy them like the others time!
You are spoiled everyday about everything, you just don't realise it yet. You are spoiled at school, work with friends, TV news, etc... about everythings.
Com on guys, let's be logical.
What is gonna happen doesnt matter, what is important is how and why something happen in a story and its the more interresting part.
Have a good day.