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Full Version: Ban appeal Richard Dawkins
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My english is not very accurate so, excuse me if I speak english like a spanish cow.

My memories is not very accurate but i think it happenned the 17 april approximately at 15/16pm

I was banned on a basis of "spoil" just because I asked what people think about the last épisode of Game of thrones
I was "warned" by a: spoil = ban. I instantly said: [Removed]

I was wandering in my head, what the fuck with this childish attitude.
Have you never seen a movie twice or more? Have you never read a resume or the synopsis of movie, série. Or someone didnt tell you something about a movie like this: "this happen and this, and when that happen they kill them all, and he do that and that, so all things blow up" make you want to see more the all movie for yourself? Have you already read a book/comic, and seen it in movie?

What it change for you to know what happen? Do it change the story? Do you feel the story differently? -> Nothing, No and No.
I have read countless time Harry Potter: 3,4, 6 and 7; LOTR 3 and seen in movie too; I don't know how many time i have seen Fight Club, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, etc... and I'm sure I gonna watch them again, and still enjoy them like the others time!
You are spoiled everyday about everything, you just don't realise it yet. You are spoiled at school, work with friends, TV news, etc... about everythings.

Com on guys, let's be logical.

What is gonna happen doesnt matter, what is important is how and why something happen in a story and its the more interresting part.

Have a good day.
Jaime didn't die in the last episode dumbass...

But seriously, I think it's a bit harsh to ban for that. I wouldn't do it since it doesn't break the server rules in anyway. I would've warned you though.

Regarding spoiling: is it really so fun to spoil something for other people? Do you go into sone euphoric mindstate while ruining an episode for people who have been anxious to see it. It's really a dick move to do something like that. Next time you want to spoil something for other people, put yourself into their shoes.
'Twas I who made the ban, I clearly warned you.

The ban will be removed once you apologize and bend the knee.
I disagree,

If was warned,

He said something, and I don't want to know if it's true or not,

There are 4 episodes who can be watched currently so we can't know if it's true or not only wwith the first one,

In my opinion he should enjoy a nice temp ban, probably because of what you said, some people did search about the personnage, to see if it was true, and then has been spoiled for real (if it was not done yet)
QUOTE (HackedPenguin @ Apr 19 2015, 09:10 PM) *
Regarding spoiling: is it really so fun to spoil something for other people? Do you go into sone euphoric mindstate while ruining an episode for people who have been anxious to see it. It's really a dick move to do something like that. Next time you want to spoil something for other people, put yourself into their shoes.

I don't find funny to "spoil" i don't really get this all childish attitude toward spoil, Nanana i don't wanna hear what happen next, ho noes...
I'm sorry but i don't really see how its a dick move. Why? I really don't understand. This is so childish to me. Explain it clearly to me, please(sincerly).
I can't put myself into someone shoes i don't understand this behavior. i can respect the fact that he didnt see it yet, but bullying (for lacke of other word, my english is shit) people into silence because they don't want to know the story with the fact that the episode are already out there!
You can't spoil me, you will just say to me what's gonna happen. it will not change the story, it will not change the fact that i will not know, how that happen, why that happen and still enjoy my favorite serie.

QUOTE (Liche @ Apr 19 2015, 09:54 PM) *
In my opinion he should enjoy a nice temp ban, probably because of what you said, some people did search about the personnage, to see if it was true, and then has been spoiled for real (if it was not done yet)

Ho no, what a terrible things, people looked up to know and spoiled themself, that's horrible! I can't imagine the pain, how hard is it?! I'll wish you all the best for your recovery.
You know what? Hitler and his wife killed themself in their bunker in 45, are you offended because i didnt tell you the all story of WW2 Or the all story of Adolf as a house painter?
You know what else? Right know as you are reading these line, there is a human made sattelite (Dawn) orbiting the only dwarf planet (Ceres) along the asteroid belt in our solar system! Do that's offended you if i also sayd Dawn orbited another asteroid called Vesta before orbiting Ceres? You don't mind if i spoiled you this? Without knowing why these asteroid was choosen, who and when these asteroids was dicovered?

Why the hell this "spoil" doesnt offend you in anyway?

I'm tired of this, people are sleeping outside, men are beating theyr wife/childrens, animals are going to be left roped to a three in the midle of no-where just to be free to go in vacation, people want to abolish abortion right, and people get offended because you tell them the part of a story?

And don't say to me, what I do against that, i worked 6 years as a paramedic, i have gived enough.

I'm tired of people crying because you tell them a part of a story they want to see anyway? I'm tired of this, in wich world I'm living in!?

Its a bit harsh maybe, but that's how i feel. Ban me how many time you want.

I apologize if this hurted you in anyway. I'm sorry to say [removed] during the game.

Yes, what world are you living in ?

Us, admin, told you to not spoil, you think you could be funny, and then you said something, and now you are on the forum, asking to be unbanned.

For me it's simple, you have to assum your mistake, so please don't cry.

Also, honnestly, after your last post, if I did the ban, I would not change the ban to a temporary like I said previously, but rather give you my best perma ban.
Assholes like you are the reason you nowadays need complete media blackout in order not to have your favourite shows spoilt for you. Im usually pretty good at avoiding places where I might have the next episode spoiled. I want to see it in the evening, a few fucking hours the next day after it airs isnt too much too ask. But sure enough, I play some chivalry and there it is in the chat, some fuckwit find it enjoyable to spoil everything of importance. You really have a lousy attitude, you dont understand why people dont like having things spoiled, so that makes it OK. What do you have, aspergers? No, you are not breaking any laws if you do it, but there is still a word for people like you. Assholes. Assholes that other people dont like to be around. If it had been me I would permaban you, for me it falls into being toxic category, as you clearly have no idea why anyone is upset let alone say you are sorry or promise not to do it again.
There's nothin to add to Guy Incognito's post other than to say you a cunt aswell. Your general attitude and stupidity has shifted me to the "do not lift the ban"- boat.
There's nothin to add to Guy Incognito's post other than to say you're a cunt aswell. Your general attitude and stupidity has shifted me to the "do not lift the ban"- boat.
I believe you were warned multiple times, yet you still 'spoiled' it even tho you knew what was going to happen if you did. It is best if you just accept your mistake and apologise. Discussing like you are now will only make it worse smile.gif
I've read all the current books, so for me spoilers aren't an issue in this case, however I appreciate that they're pretty shit behavior in general. Likewise admins may be watching the show as it airs, so some douchebag posting something later on has to be treated as a spoiler whether it turns out to be true or not.

Part of the experience of watching a TV show like GoT is the anticipation and atmospehere of not knowing what going to happen next. That anyone could die or any event happen. Posting spoilers doesn't detract from how the event is portrayed but ruins build up and surprise, which is part of the overall experience of the show.

From a perspective of why post a spoiler into public chat in front of 50 people? There's nothing to gain from it other than your own personal amusment at trolling/annoying a bunch of strangers.

What's particularily telling though is that you were warned against posting spoilers, you then posted garbage, you then were banned. You then come here to appeal, not with an apology or showing any remorse or thought for the people in the server but with frankly crappy justifications.

If you'd came here and apologised, I suspect the ban would have been lifted fairly quickly. However your posts were essentially justifiying your own self-deluded position without taking on board comments from others, with no regret, remorse or learning curve.

I'm aware that marsche would lift the ban providing an apology was given, however on this occasion I'm going to set the ban to permanent on all servers.

Closing topic & adding bans to server/website.
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