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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Was banned on a basis of - "Racism".

The circumstances were following:

Was having a simple conversation with another player (do not remember his nickname exactly but something like rudinini...) and made a joke (without relation to particular person) "Russians hate n-word and racism" (a remark from some mem + did not know that the n-word was completely intolerable even in the joke context).

As simple as that. Didn't mean to assault any one^^ including Russians as some may think^^ P.S. rus myself.

Thank you for understanding.

Thanks for posting it.
We will wait until the admin who did the ban appears and explains what happened, or we can check the chat logs.
Remember the day/hour of the ban?
My ingame nickname is KnH ~ Fantomas

The hour was from 4-5 o'clock at night. (If not may be earlier but not earlier then 3)

The admin was CommanderFlynn (there were 2 people from -SM- but I do not remember the second one and in addition to that Commander was the one who replied to me in steam, explained the reason and forwarded me here, so my guess is that it was him.
Over to Commander Flynn then..
Should I contact him myself again?
Yeah sorry for the delay, it's been a rough week.

The N word was used which is a blanket ban, but I have no issue with it being lifted provided it doesn't happen again. they seem sincere enough.
Just, be aware of the rules next time.
If my "word" provides you with an assurance that it wont happen again then I guess we are good. Myself a member of a KnH clan, following rules is not something extraordinary))

Thx for a response.
Hey Stradivarus ^^,

I know your clan since i am playing chivalry and I have trust in your clan so to speak.

I hope you will be careful next time.Love to see KnH players in server.

Best Regards.
Thx! So, what do we do???///....
Well, if I have understood Flynn, your ban will be lifted.
Seems like no one will unban soon//////

Flynn the magnificent is sorry for the late.

I did try to Unban you, but your name (KnH fantomas) is not in the list, so, maybe Monkey should check what is the problem, and so it will take more time ( a bit).

We are sorry for this little problem.
Hi - it's a bugged netid ban, so I'll have to remove it from the server configs when the server is empty
Thank you for a quick response!!!
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