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Full Version: GTA V 1st impressions
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
Well this will be shorter than intended, on account of getting home doign soem stuff then finally settling in for some GTA late in the evening only to find steam would refuse to download a final 100mb or so, so eventually did get it sorted but was around 11pm so didn't have much time to play.

First impressions: well I've played GTAV on the playstation, so tbh it's much the same. I get the impression there might be a bit more traffic etc.,

The main thing I was interested in was playing GTA online, which was a pain because the game said I had to redo the prologue from the initial campaign. Annoying since I've already done this on the PS. It did bug briefly, the part where they blow the doors to escape from the bank vault and although I was in cover the game refused to progress, telling me to get into cover. Eventually it chose to continue.

So finally got 10 minutes of play in the online game. Didn't really do too much, hunted down a human player and ran him over with a truck as he got out of his car. There was a nice bit where a couple of guys were returning to a safe house, both mad machine guns but I managed to beat one to death with bare hands.

Other than that was repeatedly killed by a guy called aurienne. He was driving around in a tank. Likewise there was someone mooching around in a jet. Not sure if it's just day 0 hacks or whether the game would allow people to go grab tanks at this point, however seemed somewhat unbalanced as he was basically driving around killing everything.

I hope to get a proper chance to play some mission and try some teamwork tonight
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Don't forget there are people who have imported their characters that they have STILL been playing with until the release of GTA on PC, so they should know pretty much every bug on the console version and will probably exploit it on relatively low players. Mine is still pretty buggy, my GPU can easily handle the game yet the map decides to only half render sometimes, and this is annoying because I might be driving on thin air or literally through the road.

Anyway, knowing Rockstar, they will patch the bugs pretty quickly and it will be up to scratch with the console version at least by the end of this month (I hope). I think we should just wait it out until a couple of patches have been released, I will have to wait due to GCSE exams in the near future but you guys can keep playing if you really want to, and some people seem to have no problems with it at all, luckily.
it runs badly on my computer
I've had to turn half the settings down dry.gif
Im holding off a bit until they release a patch or two. Considering rockstars high standards, Im sure the game is a bug free as they can reasonably make it before general release, still, it wont hurt for that extra polish and optimization. Im looking forward the most to playing it start to finish in 1st person.
Actually, it's relatively bug free. I have yet to encounter one but I've only played for an hour or two by now. It's insanely fun, too.

Have yet to try online though. How do they make that work? Rented servers, official servers, home based servers?
The Malefic Trout
Online seems like a lot of fun, never got to play online on PS3, finished the game long before multiplayer was playable and then lost interest in it. smile.gif

Single player is amazing though. Will definitely buy the PC version one day.
Actually 1 bug that I found weird, my character and every other character is covered in black stripes :S
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Just reload the game, that fixed that bug for me, Monkey. If that doesn't work then download the new drivers for your graphics card, could be either of those things that fixed the bug.
My character is completely black but then again I've so far only played as Franklin happy.gif
GTA Online seems kinda fun, though I've only done the first race and walked around an empty server so far. Also, are we going to do something with a crew? Also, what are crews exactly?
I'm not impressed with the multiplayer part so far. It is really annoying joining a match with friends as there is no group join option and the slots are filling fast. Another issue is the huge loading times even if the game is being run on ssd, especially for the short jobs. It feels like a better version of APB. The singleplayer on the other hand is amazing smile.gif
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