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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey SM! I'm xacobo!

Well, the first thing I want to say is that my english is not good, so, sorry in advance!

I know the recruitment is closed, but I do this anyway. Some of you (like Bastion, DCD...) encouraged me to give this step and I'll be very happy to be part of this family if you accept me, of course!. I love this game and I play a lot of hours, in fact, I only play on SM servers, I've got more than 700 hours in one of them.
I love to play as MAA, this class is my favourite, even since some days ago I try to play as Knight with maul, or Vanguard...

About me... I'm a guy from Spain with 24 years old. One of my passions (further Chivalry) is the music. I play the bass (not in a band for the moment) and I love the 80s Hard Rock, Glam Metal & Sleaze Rock music.

Cheers! ♥
Hey Xacobo, I've seen you in game many time and since a long moment too.

You're a nice player to play with !

Welcome on the forum, also for me you are welcome in the clan too tongue.gif

Recruitment will be open again soon for a few time, there will be a vote, so keep an eye on the forum tongue.gif
If you like Dream Theater then we can be friends. If not well, lets just say it may just sway my vote tongue.gif
It's great !!. I am Happy for your decision.
Wellcome brother
test Ok
test OK
laugh.gif laugh.gif
Welcome m8, but I think you need at least 800 hours!! tongue.gif
I vote xacobo for president
DCD! ♥
I know It's a joke, but I already have 820 hours anyway. Too much wasted time in this game... xD
QUOTE (xacobo @ Apr 11 2015, 10:22 AM) *
Too much wasted time in this game... xD

Time you enjoyed, isnt time wasted tongue.gif
Recruitment is now open again (ohmy.gif)

So if you're still interested in joining, please let us know and we'll start the whole vote process.
Hi MonkeyFiend!

Thanks for the notice. Yes, I still interested in joining. biggrin.gif
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