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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello, i was banned on the 19th of March between the times of 6:00pm and 11:30pm by porsuk for racism on the " LIMITED ARCHER High-Tick TO UK EU " server.

Firstly, i apologize if i have sent any messages that have been interpreted as racism towards Germans. I am not, nor have i ever been prejudice or hateful towards Germans. In Fact, i regularly game with many Germans and have made an effort to learn some of the language. I am aware of the rules and, although i know i have pushed them in the past, would never intentionally do something that would get me permanently banned. I have almost 60 hours on the server as you can see here, and i have enjoyed spending that time on the server and so subsequently would not want to discontinue my regular visits.
There are very few things that i do not tolerate, racism is one of them, the fact that an individual has viewed one of my comments as racist makes me feel ashamed and embarrassed. Before i was banned, i was being somewhat rude to a player on the server, for which i was careful not to push it too far and was mainly only doing this for comedic reasons. As far as i'm aware, i did not say any personal or specific comments to the player i was addressing. In the last message i sent, i mentioned several random phrases for comedic value, however it was not perceived as so. One of the terms i used was "German dungeon porn", which was not meant to cause offence in anyway, it was a random term that i had recently come across on the internet and thought that inserting it somewhere into my messages would be seen as a purely comedic thing. "German dungeon porn" is a real thing and i was not intending to use "German" in an offending way. I understand how this may be interpreted as racist though. If an admin were to read through my message and was unaware that "German" and "dungeon porn" were meant to be one phrase then i completely understand how this could have been seen as racist, but it was not at all intended so. It was purely my ignorance to refer to a specific thing that happens in a country, but i would never say or do anything that was intended to be racist in the slightest way.

Thankyou for reading my appeal and i greatly apologize for any inappropriate behaviour.

~ Dylex
Hello Dylex ,

Rules are simple no racism , no intentionally team kill.Also please read this article :

this image shows your phrase :

your phrase may have racist mean or not.Based on server rules , insulting to someone is a reason to ban or kick ( depends on admin view) and this phrase is a racist language. You might have insulted to him/her as german porn lover OR you might have insulted to him , he is a german that who loves those weird stuff that you implied.(because of he/she is german ) .you didn't put dots or implied anything that you really meant that was a phrase and it is not a racist thing.

Another thing is , people can use Feint , it is implemented on game.There is no reason to insult to a player because he is using the Feint.Also you didn't insult once , you did like 10 min insulting or more...

Ban will remain.
This ban seems a little harsh
Dylex you are one of the most toxic players I have seen yet on the server. I have warned you on several occations to cool it in chat. You love to push buttons, to insult people. I believe I once got the reply to "shut the fuck up gay incognito" when I warned you of your behaviour. Seems like the 24h ban I gave you then wasnt enough. More or less every time I see you it is always something. You are not the first person to behave in this manner, but it always ends up the same way, eventually they get permabanned. I recommend to both porsuk and monkey that the ban remains, but should it be lifted, know your behaviour is getting really tiresome and you are on very thin ice.
100% agree with Guy here, we are better off without him
In my opinion Dylex, it was racist, so you should be banned, but perma seem a bit too much..

I'm not the one who banned you so I can't do anything, but in my opinion, he apologized, so maybe it could be only temp banned :/

Of course Dylex dont insult someone because he is feinting, even if you are not serious tongue.gif

Even if I have to admit, what you said was really bad :/
Very well, thankyou for reviewing my appeal and it's been fun playing on the server.

Right.. firstly I suggest everyone could take a look at the server rules:

Secondly for the comment in the screenshot, it isn't racist. Unless we're now saying all comments regarding a nationality, rather than a race, are also racist? Nor from the context was it a comment specifically about a nationality, rather 'german dungeon porn' which as far I read would be referring to porn, featuring dungeons originating from Germany.

I am wary of extending no racist language to encompass instant bans for things that don't breach those rules, since they are typically bans without warning. In this case it's no doubt Dylex was being an arse, but he didn't break racist language rules and nor can I see him being warned here. So he's broken the excessive abuse rules, fine.

I note that the appeal here was actually apologetic in nature rather than the usual fayre of 'banned for no reason'

I would ask that people use racist language rules more stringently and in respect of abusive language on the servers, use common sense. There's always going to be trolls looking to get a rise and I don't want to be in the situation where we wield admin powers for every perceived slight. These rules exist for getting rid of excessively abusive players and again, based on the screenshots, I see no evidence of this.

As such I'll lift this ban as of tomorrow morning and will consider it a final warning for Dylex before a permanent ban. If you need to re-ban Dylex for any further infractions please grab relevant screenshots and post to the members area.

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