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Full Version: Draconic Guardian
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey guys Draconix here, I know the recruitment is closed right now but I'm hoping you will consider me as an admin, I have helped the admins a lot with dealing with toxic players and I feel as an admin I could do so much more, I am a chill guy and I have a laugh with many admins and regulars, hope to hear from you soon.

Your favourite Dragon: Draconix smile.gif
Yesssssssssssssss biggrin.gif We need a dragon in our troupe!
(when recruitment is open again)
oh god anyone but you draco xD

but really good to see you applying tongue.gif
That's a good surpise to see you here tongue.gif

Or it mean Strek Had 100 kill oô ?

Anyway tongue.gif

Welcome Draco ^^
Disguising yourself in order to eat monkeys?! We need some serious ballistas ready biggrin.gif
Recruitment is now open again (ohmy.gif)

So if you're still interested in joining, please let us know and we'll start the whole vote process.
Yes I am still interested in joining ^^
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