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Full Version: Bugged skins
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Since I logged into steam on your computer some months ago, I've now had all my armour set to pink crustaceous (I think keith has the same). This only happened after using your infernal machine.

I've tried setting different skins, it just doesn't save. I've tried a reinstall of the entire game as well as the configs. When the game reinsatlls I have standard skins in the menu, when I join a game lo and behold the crusaceous logo again.

Yet Another Fool
Maybe you have a corrupted or write-protected ini file ?
Take a look at this :

Or Steam Cloud is playing with you. Had few issues with CounterStrike Source, it re-downloaded an older keybind file every time i restarted steam.
Try disabling Steam Cloud for CMW ?

Edit : Oh, there is a global setting for Steeam Cloud but not for individual games :/
Edit2 : Nevermind, it seems that CMW isnt using the Steam Could
errm well... it seems if someone (anyone) uses my computer to connect it makes some updates to their cloud profile, including unlocking all weapons and overriding their skin options.

It might be because my chivalry account is setup a little differently. Although interestingly I can change my skins. Will have to see about purging it from my account side and see if that unlocks the skin option for you guys :s

Yeah, now you say it was an accident, but months ago you were laughting you ass off dying Jen's armor pink.
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