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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Mine Turtle

I see you have a trout, penguin and vast amounts of monkeys, why not extend the selection with turtles? Therefore I present you the Mine Turtle, a decent chivalry player with a slight tendency to explode.
A little bit more information: 24 years old, a phd student in UK. I play chivalry quite often, although not exclusively. If accepted I hope to find some new great guys(and ladies) to play with as well as learn some new things from them.

Recruitment is closed now, however I hope it will be reopened eventually.

Great that you already know some of us. What, like, have you been spying on us? ohmy.gif

But more serious, as you said, the recruitment is closed atm, so can't take anymore people for a while. And I honestly can't say I've ever seen you in game, but hopefully that will change shortly. So, keep on playing! smile.gif
Yet Another Fool
Oh, look : a turtle !
Mine Turtle
Spying is not my thing, I just have good observation skills. It is not easy to notice someone, when there are 50 players on the server, though I tend to be in top 5 usually. In any case I am sure some of the clan members might have noticed me during this weekend.
Yet Another Fool
Well, I'm not a clan member but...

Few weeks ago I think I saw you on the =SM= limited archer (or I saw you on an official server early in the morning), if I remember well I noticed you because you were better than the average, which confirms your statements.
I've seen him alright, and yeah he's good. I hate him when he's an archer, but then again I hate all archers, it's just worse when they can aim.
Mine Turtle
Thank you for your replies. I generally don't play archer, hate this class as well, but sometimes just want to annoy people from afar.
I hope jumping in front of several clan members is going to help be get noticed) As of late I try to play on duel servers to increase duel skill.
Recruitment is now open again (ohmy.gif)

So if you're still interested in joining, please let us know and we'll start the whole vote process.
Mine Turtle
Sure, let the voting start.
I've sent you a PM
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