We do from time to time see players such as 'Too Cool to care' who are basically at the level cap. Each time the cap is increased (it's currently at 80) they'll instantly hit the new cap.
To confirm: currently level 80 is no attainable through legitimate means.
However one of the methods for getting this rank was when the original SDK was released it allowed people to make custom mods and maps. A mod was produced that changed the weighting value of kills, so one kill in game would equal something like 10000 kills and at the time these servers were ranked. This led ultimately to modded servers being automatically removed from the ranked server list, because people basically abused the system.
Now, when this type of modded server was up, while many people did realise what they were joining and specifically doing it for stats padding, it's possible that some innocent people joining the server without the inteional of max ranking. As such Torn Banner decided not to reset their stats since it may not have been their fault.
As such we now see a few rank-cap people playing on the servers. This doesn't mean that they cheat. Nor does it mean they necessarily intended to glitch their rank.
However as a general precaution any max rank player is checked out for linked VAC bans, nor would someone with a max rank be allowed to join SM. We do not kick/ban this sort of player unless they are seen to be breaking actual server rules or suspected of actual cheating.
We would however ban any player who had an existing VAC ban in any game, regardless of how long ago the ban was and regardless of the reason for the VAC ban