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Full Version: Bann: Reichsritter Ansgar
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Reichsritter Ansgar
Hey Guys,
first my english is not good and is translated by google from German to english, sorry for that ^^.

About 1-2 months ago, my Steamacc was . chopped and could not access it.
4-5 days ago I got my Steamacc . get back and now realized that I am banned in some Chivalry server.
Your Sm server is attending where I was banned .

Now my question is, what happened?
The fraudsters must have done something that I was banned so much.

I hope you can help me there and unban me THX!,
your Reichsritter Ansgar

The Malefic Trout
On the 27th of January I decided to ban you for two weeks for promoting nazizm on our servers.

Here you go:

I actually think the nazi salute is illegal across most of Europe. It definitely is in Germany.

With that being said, I am obviously willing to believe your story since I remember you being a regular for a while and you never caused any trouble before like a month ago (which matches your story).

I would have this ban lifted, even though it would automatically end on next Tuesday anyway.

Reichsritter Ansgar
thank you for the information and the unban.

I should probably prefer to call me " noname " , then would not there such a crap came out from this guy.
I hope no one brint the intellectual nonsense now with my name in connection.

I thank you again for the quick help and look forward again to play with you.

your Ansgar and sorry for the bad english ^^
Yet Another Fool
Enable SteamGuard bro. There is a sentense that is common in the IT domain : your account, your responsability.
I'm glad Trout doesnt apply that and unbanned you, but you have the tools to protect yourself from now on smile.gif

Edit : and b the way, most of the time the "hackers" are close to the victim : friends, family etc.
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