Hello everyone
I think i got banned from the SM servers last night, the last thing i remember was being kicked for TK right at the beginning of a new map for the previous map but i didnt actually TK anyone.
i just wanted to know why i was banned and if i could get it lifted. My in game name is ❤lee❤
Thank you
Feb 4 2015, 10:20 PM
Same as tooms, you participated in the massive agatha brawl outside agatha spawn on outpost, before timer was up. Attacking and killing your team mates is not allowed and will land you a ban, no matter if the game is almost over.
ahhhh man i didnt even know i thought thhe round had already ended coz everyone was staying at spawn and at it, my apologiesssss and note taken thanks for letting me know. is this a perm ban :{
Feb 5 2015, 12:06 AM
Yes permaban, but I believe you wont do it again, so I will unban you. Will probably not take hold until next server restart.
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