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Full Version: Application for admin
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
Hi guys, Hobbit here,

I think it's time I sent an application to become an admin, since I've been playing with you guys for quite a long time and the SM servers are basically the only ones I ever go on. I would like to become an admin so I can help sort out clan events, and because I am on the SM servers frequently so I can keep the peace when other admins aren't there. You guys know me pretty well and I'm good friends with some of the admins (I think and hope) and I think this is definitely the clan for me, great regulars, great admins, great servers.

Lots of love,

nice to see you here hobbit biggrin.gif
Hey, nice to see you here. I think we'll be happy to have you here, as long as you stop dem feints with claymore tongue.gif
Stupid Fat Hobbit!
I haven't used claymore for 2 months... XD
Welcome, you stupid fat hobbit! tongue.gif
I'm usually fairly silent when it comes to potential admins...but you're actually someone who's always consistently stood out as a positive, friendly addition to the server, even if I only play very intermittently.

So I'm actually going to say I'm quite in favour of this application!
I shall now start a campaign against allowing people below 4 feet to join as admins.

Filthy Hobbitses
A stupid fat hobbit applying for membership?

Hi - sorry things have been a little chaotic recently, Will add a poll in the members area. This process should now take 10 days (the previous ones have taken a lot longer tongue.gif)
Has taken a bit longer due to unforeseen circumstances™

I don't think I have hoobit on steam, so if you want to add me (monkeyfiend) otherwise I'll dig out your profile when I'm next at home
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