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Full Version: Banned from a server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello, a few weeks ago I found out that I was banned from one of the two Sneakymonkeys servers, more specifically the " Limited Archer High Tick TO UK EU"

I cannot remember why I was banned, and if I remember correctly, it must have been during my start of playing Chivalry, so it could have been teamkilling? I generally don't chat on Chivalry, so it couldn't be something I said, but I really cannot remember what I did, I only know it was some time ago.
I've been playing on the server that I ain't banned from, and I find it a shame that I am banned from the other server since I don't do anything wrong now, and I really like the servers.

I found an admin on the server that I am not banned from, and he refered me to this support, and I would really appreciate if I could be unbanned. My username is "Most Ancient Joke". I don't know the name of the admin that banned me, by the way.

Sorry in advance for my english.

Just wait for a reply of the admin who have banned you.

He will give you the reason (if there is one) , and it will be his choice to lift the ban or not. Also if you did nothing wrong , dont be worried , the ban will be lifted !

Keep an eyes on the forum , to be informed.

Yet Another Fool
If you did one of the "The Most Ancient Joke.. in the Booooook !" from Cyanide & Happiness, then you probaly know the reason smile.gif
I don't see the name in the configs, can you post your profile (or steam guid) for me to check?
Turns out it was the "Limited Archer high tick" server I was banned from.
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