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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
CapTain IsRaeL
Why did I receive ban? Would like it to be removed please.

Nickname: CapTain IsRaeL
Was it me? It might've been, but I can't remember for sure. I banned one guy that intentionally tk'ed me, but I never wrote down the guy's name.
Yes that's funny , Why are you banned ?
CapTain IsRaeL
Good question. You wanna tell me why?
Are you sure it was on these servers? and also an admin ban rather than a kickvote? So are you definitely still banned?

The reason I ask is there's only one player in the banlist with the name captain (a captainsalmon banned several months ago).

If you post your steamguid (or you profile and I can do the maths) I'll see if you're there under a different name.

Got a feeling it was me who kicked you because you kept kicking people off the catapult on Stoneshill. I saw a few people complaining in chat about it so investigated - watched you kick someone off, get on the catapult and then die. I went on the catapult, about a minute later you kicked me off it and jumped straight into using it again.

I'm about 90% sure this was you - don't think it was a permaban though.
CapTain IsRaeL
I might kicked people off trabuchets, cant remember honestly. If i did, I do deserve it. I've sent my steam ID to MonkeyFiend.
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