if someone feels that they're being unfairly victimised in kickvotes, probably the best thing to do is press F12 and get some screenshots (maybe include the teamdamage/idle time from the player list) & report it to any admins online. If repeated kickvotes happen without good reason then action can be taken. Same goes for failed kickvotes but with a good reason too!
At the end of the day if people have high teamdamage, they do tend to get voted off. I know accidents at the start of round do happen, but it's also commonly used as an excuse by people doing a few kicks/swipes at teammates at spawn. If an admin suspects it was just an accidental hit, they can always cancel vote by the command admincancelvote, then check up on the player and see if they're playing properly, taking appropriate action
The clan rules do state that people kickvoting
should provide a reason, however mostly this isn't enforced as typically the reason (high team damage, racism, idle etc) is obvious. It's also perfectly fine if an admin wants to cancel a vote that has no apparent reason until a reason is specified or the player can be checked on.
but don't cancel votes if there's a legit reason