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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Urban II
Hi Sneaky Monkeys,

I was wondering if I could be unbanned for my moment of acting like an idiot the other day.
I'll just explain the situation, there was like 5 seconds left til the game finished and I was at
spawn, during the last 5 seconds I attacked a couple of people (without killing them).
I know it wasn't a wise move to do that, and I'm not saying the admin who banned me was
abusing any power, but I feel as if it was an over reaction. I'd like to carry on playing on
your server without anymore stupidity (on my part of course)


Urban II
Do you remember which admin that banned you? It's his/her call whether to unban you, or not.
You really got some SS acronym in your name that's what i forced you to change and now some madness moves ?
Mmmh. Even it's wasn't me who banned you this time . . .
Watch out just sayin'.
I really wish we could check the name of the admin that did the ban.

I usually ban people that do this for 250 hours. But I don't remember the names, as it's always in the last seconds of a map and I do it fast.

If it was me, you are forgiven Urban II.
But I would like you to understand that we have to be strict with team damage. The game already has a feature to allow you to kill your teammates once the map is over, no need to start early.

That said, I'm not sure it was me.
Urban II
I have no idea who the admin was that banned me, hopefully that admin will view this post
and remember me.

Well if it was you AsDeR, thank you for forgiving me lol.

I don't think you was online at that moment Dithyrambique lol, I had no idea team damage was
IP ban worthy, team killing intentionally, sure.

Well, it kinda depends on admin online some more nazi than others. Turbomidget is kinda nazi about it so maybe it's him.
If whoever made the ban doesn't respond soon™, then I'll lift it
Actually, I don't ban a whole lot of people. I tend to kick very often so I don't have to use the ban hammer as much happy.gif
Pretty sure it wasn't me, haven't banned a whole lot of guys lately.

Urban II
Still no reply, well I appreciate all you other admins letting
me know if it wasn't you lol.
thought the name looked familiar:

Urban II Dec 11 1:40pm
Urban ϟϟ Dec 6 9:12am
88 Nov 20 12:22pm
Never forget the 6 gazillion Nov 16 6:01am
☩ Nov 13 9:38am
Zyklon B ☩ Nov 5 8:08am
Kreuzotter Oct 14 6:35am
Meme king xD Oct 8 2:42pm
#1 sonic fan [GGF] Sep 5 5:18am


tbh either he actually agrees with his names or he's trying to be edgy. Either way am not lifting this ban
So it was racism, with nice little ss symbols in his name, that caused the ban and not tk'ing. How... fun dry.gif

Agreeing with Jen.
Urban II
QUOTE (Jen @ Dec 18 2014, 09:56 PM) *
thought the name looked familiar:

Urban II Dec 11 1:40pm
Urban ϟϟ Dec 6 9:12am
88 Nov 20 12:22pm
Never forget the 6 gazillion Nov 16 6:01am
☩ Nov 13 9:38am
Zyklon B ☩ Nov 5 8:08am
Kreuzotter Oct 14 6:35am
Meme king xD Oct 8 2:42pm
#1 sonic fan [GGF] Sep 5 5:18am


tbh either he actually agrees with his names or he's trying to be edgy. Either way am not lifting this ban

Wow really, you're going to look at something not related to my ban? I was kicked for intentional team damage.
Urban II
And just to add, my name was changed when it was requested, I never said anything remotely racist in chat either. My
own personal opinions/beliefs etc should not even be relevant here. I was banned for intentional team damage, I am here to appeal intentional team damage, and if you don't want to lift the ban because of that? So be it.
This is a privately owned server. This means you don't get to play on the SM servers, but we let you play there.

This also means we can keep the ban, no matter how you feel we should look at it. If we find something ban-worthy, we are allowed to keep you banned. Of course, we can always unban you for teamkilling and ban you again for the words Jen posted.
QUOTE (Urban II @ Dec 19 2014, 02:52 AM) *
And just to add, my name was changed when it was requested, I never said anything remotely racist in chat either. My
own personal opinions/beliefs etc should not even be relevant here. I was banned for intentional team damage, I am here to appeal intentional team damage, and if you don't want to lift the ban because of that? So be it.

"Ebola is a blessing"
You said that right before I called you out, yesterday.

So, his ban has been lifted already, he was playing today. But Jen is completelly right, we don't care if you behave like a saint while playing, if your name, or steam profile, are related to racism and hate, you are not welcome. It's a no brainer.

The question here should be if you should be banned again because of this, something both TornBanner and SneakyMonkeys takes very seriously.
There's certainly precedent; bans on the servers aren't necessarily based on activities solely on the server. By nature, they mostly are: racism and TKing usually occurring under observation within the server. However the rules also state some wider bounds such as banning people that have other vac bans or a history of cheating from the likes of psb/pbbans etc., or from account lists gleaned from our insider accounts on murdercheats/AA/187ci etc.

Likewise I've been asked to admin on official servers where people were spouting all manner of abuse, which got them banned on all official servers. However in the case of bans on official servers for abusive behaviour, I do often copy the bans here too. (obv official bans for hacking are added to the global banlist and is filtered to ours)

In this specific case, I'll defer to the other admins on whether prior dubious naming history warrants a ban.
Urban II
I understand this is a private server and that I'm not entitled to have my ban lifted when I want, thats why I'm appealing. Those words Jen posted were
previous names, I never said those in chat. I had no idea previous names would be ban worthy, especially after I changed mine for that very reason.

That was on the Carnage server I'm sure. Yeah I did say that, and I stopped immediately, it wasn't racist or directed at anyone in particular.
I don't get it, I'm not being racist in chat, I'm not insulting anyone, sure I had those names up but what has that got to do with anything that isn't
related to my ban? I changed my name when I was asked so no one would be offended, not that many people would even recognise the sigil used previously.
I haven't been intentionally racist on your servers, and I didn't intentionally team kill anyone. Sure I had those names, sure I dealt team damage, as I already explained.

Okay I understand, I haven't read all the rules, only the two main ones I see when connecting to the servers. All I'm doing is appealing for the reason
I have been banned for, which was intentional team damage, I have no idea why past names are even relevant, although if I am banned for that very reason then fine. I fully understand that just because I appeal it doesn't mean my ban will automatically be lifted, I'm just here to appeal for my current ban. Although it seems like I am outnumbered by a vast amount on whether I should stay banned (and I should expect to stay banned) I am still here to appeal.

So thank you for your time, I appreciate the responses.

My sum up:

Urban got banned for intentional TK, now he's appealing for that.

Urban was never racist in chat, apart from saying "Ebola is a blessing", that's not racist since it wasn't aimed at any ethnic minority. Of course if he had said, for example: "It's good that ebola is killing all the 'n-word' ", now THAT would've been racist. Then I would be all against lifting the ban, but since the case isn't that...

Urban had hateful/racist names, but changed them when was asked. Now he's been accused of being racist only because he had those names, allthough he changed them.

Urban never did anything wrong on the official server (?)

I actually feel like his ban should be lifted, but it's Jen's call.
QUOTE (HackedPenguin @ Dec 19 2014, 04:22 PM) *
Urban had hateful/racist names, but changed them when was asked. Now he's been accused of being racist only because he had those names, allthough he changed them.

Did it also occur that, when asked to change an obviously racist name, he picked one that's even worse?
Urban II
QUOTE (TurboMidget @ Dec 19 2014, 06:30 PM) *
Did it also occur that, when asked to change an obviously racist name, he picked one that's even worse?

I was asked to change my name from Urban ϟϟ, and I changed it to Urban II, how is that worse? The names prior to my warning are not relevant.
They are very much relevant. In fact, they're the reason your ban is continued instead of lifted.
Depends on from what to what name he changed. The problem is that I do not (yet) know the case. It'll help to clear out this thing.

Am still on Urban's side, don't hate me for it.

EDIT: Looks like it didn't load the latest post, which in fact, told us that Urban SS was changed to Urban II. Now, that is obviously good that he changed away from the SS name, but nothing is wrong with the new name (apart from that one pope, who to my knowledge never did anything wrong, thus being labeled as sone kind of a criminal) if I'm not terribly mistaken.
Well, he switched to Urban II then Zaraki so ...

He's still kinda trollish, depend on wich side his borderline is . . .
QUOTE (HackedPenguin @ Dec 19 2014, 11:25 PM) *
Depends on from what to what name he changed. The problem is that I do not (yet) know the case. It'll help to clear out this thing.

Am still on Urban's side, don't hate me for it.

EDIT: Looks like it didn't load the latest post, which in fact, told us that Urban SS was changed to Urban II. Now, that is obviously good that he changed away from the SS name, but nothing is wrong with the new name (apart from that one pope, who to my knowledge never did anything wrong, thus being labeled as sone kind of a criminal) if I'm not terribly mistaken.

I just looked into Pope Urban II. The preachings, at a local level, that came along with him initiating the First Crusade also led to what is sometimes referred to as "The First Holocaust", basically pogroms against jews throughout medieval europe.

Now, saying that this is also a bad name, is a bit of a stretch. Urban II himself never persecuted the jews, but I am starting to see a pattern in the names player Urban seems to pick.
I can agree, that some of his name choices were really bad, but question is, did we ever see him on the server with those names? I don't think it's fair to judge him for having those names, if we never saw them.

Sure it is, as long as we can prove he used them. That's what the logs and all that are for wink.gif
I logged into the sql server and ran some queries.
The good news is I can tell you he played on the server as Urban ϟϟ for around 35 minutes before being kicksied. Has also played for 7 hours 25 as Urban II also half an hour as zaraki, around 3.5 as never forget the gazillion, 35 mins as Zyklon B

But in my glorious opinion he's not broken racist language rules.
His name choices have been a little sketchy, the race war name we've not seen on the server.
Based on names or chat on the server there's no indication of whether he's some little deluded neo-Nazi type or just someone using such names to try and troll.
So the names that he's played with that people would have issue with is Urban ϟϟ and Zyklon B - obviously SS references and a name based on the jewish peoples least favourite pesticide.
We've had people with references like this before like trenchstuhfuhrer or whatever he was called who didn't attract a ban

So in general we for racist language (he's not broken this.. yet). We do kick for racist player names.

So the question is do people consider the use of the ϟϟ or a name based on a poison gas used in death chambers in itself without context or explanation racist?

If the answer is yes, then do we start kicking the various Hitlers, or AdolfH's, maybe I should set my name to Mussolini? tongue.gif

btw although I don't think his name is racist in itself, it's likely he either is a "racist douchbag" or just a "edgy kid douchebag" either way am pretty certain a douchebag. We should pity him.

p.s. that above was the 'good' news, the bad news was that SQL is throwing out connection erros now. It was working when I got there but I am certain I didn't break it. probably. Monkey: earn your keep and fix it minion! else I be displeased.

In other news I've decided that all future posts of mine will feature a cat in some way or form. For the sake of forum equillibrium
Finally our jester makes himself useful and explains the situation. Well done smile.gif
I've fixed the sql server connection. oaf. Unrelatedly come to my office 10am on Monday 22nd (I have your pdp to complete, which should be entertaining)

As for the rest of the post I actually re-read it a couple of times to try and determine whether you're trying to post sensibly or just more subtly troll.

Either way my own official stance is still just to accept the other admin decisions on this.

Urban II
The whole Urban II thing was selected because of its origin, more of a patriotic thing. As for my own personal interests, I don't see
why they should be taken into account for my ban (for team damage). Sure some of my previous names are offensive, but I really didn't
think people would look at them and be like "Oh deary me, I am very offended by that!". I have changed my name once again to something
else. I'm not a racist douchebag, a douchebag nonetheless, but I'm not going to get technical here.

I don't feel as if I broke any of the servers rules to be permanently banned, sure I have had a warning and I guess an over reaction for
the team damage, but I have learned from those. Maybe one final warning and keep me on a watch list? I don't know.

I'm still going to appeal until I get a final answer, thank you all for your time.
I've just checked, as far as I can tell Urban is currently unbanned.
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