I spotted a speedhacker. You may say it's the lag but I'm sure its not, he's the only one teleporting 10 meters away and it lasted for 30 secs (he got killed then). He spawned next to me so you can see him for a while and he did at least 30% more distance than me in the same amount of time.
Who : bradleywbrown http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085689979
When : 11th December, about 18:00 London time
Where : Battlegrounds, Limited Arher server
Proof : http://koh-team.com:8000/f/770633f269/ (note : previewing seems to not work in some browsers. use the green button to download)
You will judge if it was a speedhacker or not, I'll understand if you think its not even if I'm sure it is, I think he has a bind to toggle it.
He left the game after I said he was speedhacking (thats why i didnt cut the video when he died) and online admins were not answering when i asked if he was banned or left by his own.