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Full Version: Strekkode wants to join
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

Im finally here trying to join you guys. I have been playing lots of hours on the SM servers and is the one i usually play on. Most of you have probably seen me on the servers before and know me in-game. Im a decent player who likes to play on the attacking side. Defence is for those cowardly hippiecamping archers. I really hate those archers and i gladly go across the map just to get that revenge for putting an arrow in mah butt. (its a secret, but sometimes i like to play as an undercover archer infiltrating their filthy hippiecamps. Stab their arses and t-bag their faces. They deserve it!)

I am a Norwegian man with 30 years of age and consider myself a fair and mature guy. For living i work as a freelance cinematographer. When i have sparetime i play mostly Chivalry and occasionally train those biceps, LAWL.

I would really like to be a Sneaky Monky.


Best regards
Whale cum here buddy !
Your whale cum is mostly appreciated. happy.gif
Oh hell yeah, the only guy who can play with flair (however you spell that xD) tongue.gif i believe everyone is welcome seeing you here specially after last clan game biggrin.gif
Awesome the man with the most flair with the flail! biggrin.gif Welcome buddy!
well good to see the clanmatch performance the other night didn't scare you away tongue.gif

I've added a poll in the members area and will let you know what's happening once members have had a chance to vote
Awesome MonkeyFiend!

I did leave the clanmatch a bit shaken, but i also wanted more. Thats one of the reasons im here. happy.gif
Hey tried to get you on steam, but not on my list. Will keep an eye out for you in game and add you (or feel free to add me
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