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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
I hide behind the bushes and spy on your mom
I am quite dangerous and a peeking tom

If I get the chance I'll try to stab you in the side
I just have to keep an eye out when you cross my stride

I really am a nice guy, I am just a bit misunderstood
The problem is my spear, it doesn't look too good

I could exchange it with a sword to look really nice and dandy
But a long range always comes in handy

I am just a man with spear
I am no knight I am DARwin....
Nuh u can't join us, u lil chocolate !
Hey !

You are the welcome smile.gif
Disgusting spear skills sad.gif
My enthusiasm for this application was made a little calmer
Because there wasn't even a single reference to Farmer tongue.gif
Join SM if you must
A challenge elsewhere I will find I trust
For no longer I will kill you by the knife
Alas, as the Russians say, such is life

Welcome darwin smile.gif
nice rhymes which are prime wink.gif

god your spear is so annoying specially getting to you as maa xD

also nice to see you here!
I've incldued a poll in the members section. Once the clan has had a chance to vote, I'll let you know smile.gif
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