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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
How do people feel about us changing the recruitment criteria a little?, if we can get more people in the clan then we can look to getting another server, So i propose that we keep the age limit and neccesary microphone, but maybe we should ask a few people and trust each others judgement on people, for instance i know of a few people who are eligeable for the clan,


How do we feel about asking these people to join?
If any of you know of any other people you think you could ask then please post also.
i'm all for whatever makes the general running of the server etc alot easier...and the plus side is that the more donations recieved the less pressure and hassle on barry...its supposed to be a fun clan is it not???? blink.gif
well I'm up for that too - but what about the rest of the members?
I am all for more people joining the clan, as long as they aren't better than me tongue.gif
I´m for more people ofcourse but i dont know these people, have never spoken to them and dont know anything about them...
Well, thats precisely what i'm getting at - are we prepared to trust each others judgement on people to join?,
I have given that list of people who i think are nice and would get along with everyone. Does everyone trust me to recruit them, Or do you still feel you should all meet them first?
Let me know
QUOTE(foxx_in_socks @ Jan 9 2008, 03:35 PM) *
Well, thats precisely what i'm getting at - are we prepared to trust each others judgement on people to join?,
I have given that list of people who i think are nice and would get along with everyone. Does everyone trust me to recruit them, Or do you still feel you should all meet them first?
Let me know

Ofcourse i trust your judgement Foxx wink.gif But who the hell let Manly in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif
For me np...
QUOTE(Kung @ Jan 9 2008, 03:56 PM) *
Ofcourse i trust your judgement Foxx wink.gif But who the hell let Manly in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif


I also trust your judgement enough to make a decision foxx
QUOTE(Kung @ Jan 9 2008, 04:56 PM) *
Ofcourse i trust your judgement Foxx wink.gif But who the hell let Manly in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif
For me np...

I guess it was you KungmedLITENpung who let me in. laugh.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif
im pretty easy going when it comes to people so im game for letting anyone you see fit join

as long as they arent as twatish as 6
if u think there ok fox then its ok by me
Well, I am pleased with that feedback, I am 100% certain about m33amkii, He is one of the nicest guys i ever spoke too and know none of you could ever dislike him, so if everyone is happy ill get him sorted.
Also Nalvier is a personal friend of mine, so i dont think that will be a problem, as if he was to go wrong in any way i can just shout at him tongue.gif .
So thats two i'm sure about. Ill have a little chat with the others just to make sure, and you guys should too if you see them about.
as long as they help me shock paddle MINKY im all for it biggrin.gif
Ok, thats settled then, If you have someone who you think would be good for the clan, Just mention the name somewhere (just incase someone has a problem with that person)
And lets get recruiting.
Plus if ever we make a mistake and someone turns out to not be right for the clan, We dont have to put up with our mistake tongue.gif
QUOTE(foxx_in_socks @ Jan 10 2008, 02:44 PM) *
Ok, thats settled then, If you have someone who you think would be good for the clan, Just mention the name somewhere (just incase someone has a problem with that person)
And lets get recruiting.
Plus if ever we make a mistake and someone turns out to not be right for the clan, We dont have to put up with our mistake tongue.gif

Well I have someone who is BAD for the clan............MANLYFOKKINGHOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE(Kung @ Jan 10 2008, 07:38 PM) *
Well I have someone who is BAD for the clan............MANLYFOKKINGHOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

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