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Full Version: Unban please
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi , I 've been banned today 21/11/2014 on The Limited Server , during the map Belmez , by an angry admin.

He though i was trolling/griefing , but the only think I wanted to do is to give back the flag. And like im a bit stupide currently (it's temporary) i didnt press F10 , but i jumped into the water , of course i forgot that , the flag wont spawn again directly..

And Of course , yes , I agree , The admin could think i wanted to troll etc etc , but it was not my first aim , sorry about be a dumb sometime :X

Also , If you could , at least temp ban me , i will be happy .

Thx for your regard .

And still sorry about that xD
Can't find him in list, i bet Marsche broked server.
'Twas I who made the ban, sorry but there was so much going on with people tk:ing etc. Then theres you kicking me from the flag to claim it for yourself by suiciding into the water with it.
At reflex I banned you, because you clearly knew what you were doing.

The dangers of not having an SM tag plus an unfamiliar name, I guess.

Was your name E c h i L? I tried to unban but no recognizable like that.

Also, what is the command to view the banned list in console? It's been too long since I unbanned someone.

EDIT: I saw the flag being stuck and unreachable in the water for about ~10 seconds, that's when I thought it would be stuck there permanently, or atleast until a mason touched it. Which was why I decided to make a ban.
Ha yes , I changed the order of my letters ..and like I said , trolling wasnt my first intention or at least i didnt want to harassing people (I wasnt here to prevent players to finish their map) , i just wanted to take the flag for me , because you were waiting for it.If it was another players (someone i dont know) I will not get it done .
And when i had the flag , I was happy and i could give back to you, this is why I committed suicide , not necessarily by the best way Indeed tongue.gif But the flag was going to come back :C

Sincerly , divorced Liche
I suggest we keep the ban as an example to all. You know, pin him high up on the castle wall for all to see.

xD I would agree tongue.gif If it was someone else D:
Hahaha this is so funny biggrin.gif
Yeah, I jumped into the water with the flag once too, was like: Fuck! What have I done D:
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