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Full Version: Reporting a TKer
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I don't know if this is the right place to do this, but just now in the NEW MAPS server, there was someone TKing by the name of Caststriker. He was TKing and team wounding continuously. I don't know if anything can be done since no admins were present, but I have taken screenshots which hopefully provide enough evidence. The last 2 pictures clearly show him TKing a friendly archer with a javelin to the head.

2014-11-08_00009 by Lurtzo, on Flickr

2014-11-08_00007 by Lurtzo, on Flickr

2014-11-08_00003 by Lurtzo, on Flickr

2014-11-08_00004 by Lurtzo, on Flickr

2014-11-08_00018 by Lurtzo, on Flickr

2014-11-08_00019 by Lurtzo, on Flickr
Link us to your steam account to view them?
Edit: This site got a double post bug lately? Or I'm impatient and click it too many times.

Double edit: Nevermind you used flickr
Found out how to post them, sorry for the confusion.
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