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Full Version: Ban Appeal: BORIS [Muk]
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello again, about half a year ago, probably more I got banned from your chivalry servers for saying racist remarks. Anyhow, I tried to defend my brother who had just been banned and I used the n word completely out of context. Of course, the server message had just shown up about racist language, but I wasn't trying to be racist in any way at that point, and I offer my most HUMBLE apologies if anyone got offended by it.

Anyway, how I feel about it is probably irrelevant. Though I really enjoy the game and I enjoy(ed) your servers even more, I would greatly appreciate being able to play on them again.

Muk, I'm also sorry if I offended you in any way, it was nowhere near my intentions.

Link to previous thread, 7 months ago.
There's not much you could say to offend me personally so that wasn't the case.

The racist language rule is there for the benefit of everyone and applies to everyone equally no matter what the circumstance.

It's been quite a while so I'll lift the ban this time but if someone else bans you for the same thing it would be permanent from then on.
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