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Full Version: Banned from server
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Guitar Gangster

My Profile name is Guitar Gangster. I was playing Chivalry on the 31st of Octobre, Halloween. Halloween is all about scaring people, however it is also a festivity. This night though was not a festive one for me, it was just plain awful. Sorry if this sounds exaggerated but I'm just trying to get it through to you, let me get to the point. I was banned by an admin from a server in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Now this isn't just a server for me, it is my favorite server. It is my standard server. Everytime I play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare I play on this particular server. I have never had any problems with anyone on this server, I never insult people, I never use racist slur or make racist comments at all. In this case there was a guy in my team who killed me. Usually I wait for him to say sorry to which I say no problem. But the mood in the server was very lighthearted. So I said "fuck you, Nigglet", because his name resembled this word which I had heard somewhere before. I had no idea Nigglet was a racist word. Then I started protesting against the perma-ban threat an admin gave me. People sympathised me and also started protesting against it. Some time later a random guy asked: "Do any of you know the song My Nigga by YG. I said: No, but do you know the song Nigga's in Paris? Then I got perma-banned. I contacted the admin who banned me and explained why I said the things I said and I apologised. He/she told me only devs could revoke bans and she told me to contact this address: I thought this was kind of sketchy so I contacted another admin and informed him of the situation. Now this admin told me the ban could be lifted by putting a post on this forum. I have been playing on SneakyMonkey for a very long time without having ever received a vote kick nor a threat to be banned. Now I all of a sudden I am perma-banned. I feel this isn't righteous. I know your rules say: "Racism is always a ban". Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between people. I don't think any of my comments offended anybody, and if they did, I am very sorry. I promise never to use any racist slurs ever again on your server. I would like you to unban me from your server so I can once again enjoy the company of the many people I play and socialize with. Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Guitar Gangster
I find this rather strange. Could it have been someone from outside of SM? Most admins here know they can easily revoke bans or ask monkey nicely to do it for them. On the bright side, things might get solved easier because now you don't have to email the devs smile.gif

The arguing over chat is quite dangerous by the way. If half a server gets pissed at the one guy holding all the power, things don't tend to end well. Perhaps it would've been better to ask about the ban threat over steam chat.

And us admins tend to respond rather harschly to any form of racism, because things tend to deteriorate if we allow it, hence the ban for using the word 'nigga', even if it was in a song title (Maybe monkey can shine some light on this with the chat logs?). For example, someone mentioned white supremacy this afternoon in the chat and I asked him to tone it down. Less than 20 seconds later I banned someone for using the word 'nigger'.

Hope this can be resolved quickly smile.gif
Edit: Asder said my point in more detail so ill avoid repetition.
While we have yet to hear the admin's version, there is something I would like you to understand about the racist language rule.
The internet is full of trolls or kids, they will always try to walk on the edge and start flamming. The harsh rule is there for a reason, and the reason is to cut it from the root and keep playing.

Saying "Nigglet is not a racist word" is just an excuse, or sounds like it. Complaining about it to the admin using ingame chat was not appropiate and I'm sure started a ruckus on the server.
When that guy asked about the song, it was in the context of "I'm going to walk on the edge about the racism rule.", and your answer was also a cocky attempt. I'm sure you know it, although you won't recognice it. But it should be the first step.

The only thing I see wrong is the tornbanner redirection to deal with the unban. But again, we have yet to hear the admin's version.
There is no need to hide his name though, we all discuss this things openly.

I have seen you play on the server before, and we all know SM servers are outstanding, and my suggestion for you to come back is to accept your fault, honestly, and apologize. And don't just promise it would never happen again, be sure about it.

If you still have an issue with the admin that made the ban, you can have a conversation here with him, or in private, and try to solve that conflict.
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Nov 1 2014, 12:02 AM) *
The only thing I see wrong is the tornbanner redirection to deal with the unban. But again, we have yet to hear the admin's version.
There is no need to hide his name though, we all discuss this things openly.

This is what I'm most interested in. I keep wondering if it was a global admin from outside of SM using that nice yellow admin spectator mode. It's the only reason I can see them redirecting someone somewhere they don't have to go.
I was the one who he came to talk after he was directed to e-mail TB.

He said that he got banned because use of the word "nigglet". Now, he explained to me that he didn't know was a racist term. I didn't know it was a racist term, so I had to check it from urban dictionary. I don't know if Guitar's claim that he didn't know "nigglet" being a racist slur, is legit or not. But I believe him.

Also, the part that the admin told to e-mail TB buggers me. Could someone explain?
It buggers you? Better put an extra pair of underpants on.
Having looked into this... it wasn't a ban done on the SM servers

It was instead was global ban added by a global mod/dev to a group who all received bans for racism. Looking at the logs of the official server he was on, they all were warned. The admin in question logged in as admin and warned them again, they continued and were banned.

As it was a ban on official servers, not an SM server ban, contacting the TB email address for appeals would be the correct place for it. Whilst I could lift it, I'll defer this to Daggyzo to judge whether it should/will be lifted.

The SM servers pull the global banlist from the official servers too, so he will end up being banned on the SM servers as a knock on effect. (Can confirm the people who end up on the official global bans are ones who deserve to be)

Guitar Gangster
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Oct 31 2014, 11:02 PM) *
Saying "Nigglet is not a racist word" is just an excuse, or sounds like it. Complaining about it to the admin using ingame chat was not appropiate and I'm sure started a ruckus on the server.
When that guy asked about the song, it was in the context of "I'm going to walk on the edge about the racism rule.", and your answer was also a cocky attempt. I'm sure you know it, although you won't recognice it. But it should be the first step.

Hey thanks for replying,

I'm not saying "Nigglet" isn't a racist word, I just didn't know at the time. I should've thought twice before using the word. You are correct about the attempt at searching the admins boundaries. However it was also because I thought she was being unreasonable and it was more an attempt to get back at her. Which is ofcourse wrong. Thinking back about it, it was a ridiculous situation which could have and should have been avoided.

I wish none of this would have happened and I feel truly sorry about the way I behaved. I just want to be able to play on the SM servers again. I would be very grateful if you would have me there again.

Guitar Gangster
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Oct 31 2014, 11:02 PM) *
Saying "Nigglet is not a racist word" is just an excuse, or sounds like it. Complaining about it to the admin using ingame chat was not appropiate and I'm sure started a ruckus on the server.
When that guy asked about the song, it was in the context of "I'm going to walk on the edge about the racism rule.", and your answer was also a cocky attempt. I'm sure you know it, although you won't recognice it. But it should be the first step.

Hey thanks for replying,

I'm not saying "Nigglet" isn't a racist word, I just didn't know at the time. I should've thought twice before using the word. You are correct about the attempt at searching the admins boundaries. However it was also because I thought she was being unreasonable and it was more an attempt to get back at her. Which is ofcourse wrong. Thinking back about it, it was a ridiculous situation which could have and should have been avoided.

I wish none of this would have happened and I feel truly sorry about the way I behaved. I just want to be able to play on the SM servers again. I would be very grateful if you would have me there again.

MonkeyFiend, the leader of the SM clan, just posted this:

QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Nov 1 2014, 08:49 PM) *
Having looked into this... it wasn't a ban done on the SM servers

It was instead was global ban added by a global mod/dev to a group who all received bans for racism. Looking at the logs of the official server he was on, they all were warned. The admin in question logged in as admin and warned them again, they continued and were banned.

As it was a ban on official servers, not an SM server ban, contacting the TB email address for appeals would be the correct place for it. Whilst I could lift it, I'll defer this to Daggyzo to judge whether it should/will be lifted.

The SM servers pull the global banlist from the official servers too, so he will end up being banned on the SM servers as a knock on effect. (Can confirm the people who end up on the official global bans are ones who deserve to be)

So it seems is not an SM issue. You should follow the steps they told you and write to Torn Banner.
Good luck.
Guitar Gangster

I am glad to report that the problem has been resolved. I'm not sure who unbanned me but thank you very much. I also want to thank you all for listening to my story and for giving me advice. I don't think I'll be seeing you here again since I learned my lesson and probably won't be banned again.

See you on the battlefield!
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