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Full Version: Report : SmokeMcCloud
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Yet Another Fool

Just wanted to report a player that was kicked 4 times today for intentional TK. The 3 first time I didnt witness it, but it seems that he always comes back as soon as possible to randomly TK people. So I thought it would be necessary to report him. Check the logs if you want, he was kicked multiple times today by votekicks (at least 4 times).

Where : Limited Archer server, Battlegrounds (step 2)
When : 14th October at ~17:00 Belgium time (should be 16:00 for UK)
Who : SmokeMcCloud
Proof : (43 MB)

Kind regards,
thanks smile.gif this guy should be added to the ban list now smile.gif
Yet Another Fool
Thank you smile.gif
Dont think the ban worked, I just banned him from the limited archer server. He went berserk against his own team
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